06 October 2018

Hello everyone! I am very busy with a special project at the moment. Thanks for  stopping by and please check back!  If you have a photo that you would like to submit for the site, please send it to: TucsonDailyPhoto@gmail.com              (:

05 October 2018

What a Pheasant Surprise! (:

This beautiful ringneck pheasant was spotted wandering around in a neighbor's backyard. It was not afraid of humans so it is speculated that this beauty was someone's pet and it made its escape. What a gorgeous bird!
Photo courtesy of  John Ewing.

04 October 2018

04 OCTOBER 2009

The Kon Tiki Lounge ~ a Tucson classic

THEN & NOW: Some things never change! 
A Tucson watering hole since 1963, the Kon Tiki Lounge serves a drink they call the Scorpion: "the largest drink in the world." It's a mix of rum, brandy, gin, fruit juice, and liqueurs ~ whew! And they serve it in a giant bowl with extra long straws. Quite a cocktail! I've never been brave enough to try it but do tell me if you have!

Kon Tiki Restaurant & Lounge 
(520) 323-7193
Get directions

03 October 2018

Bevy of Bats? Nope!

Although I do like the alliteration of "Bevy of Bats," it is incorrect.  I have read that a group of bats can be called a Colony, a Camp, or a Cloud. Doesn't sound quite as snappy, though, IMHO.  (:  Are there more bats visible at this time of year or are we just more aware of them during this ghoulish season?
Photo courtesy of George Goldman

02 October 2018

Tucson in 1940 ~

Here's a great photo of a Tucson crowd waiting for the arrival of the Rodeo Parade. This is at the corner of Stone and Congress, northeast corner. In my mind's eye I think that corner is a bank now. Anyone know for sure? Next time I am downtown I will look. 

01 October 2018

Native Gardens ~

Here is the set for Arizona Theatre Company's current production, "Native Gardens" at the Temple of Music and Art. For more info about this play, click here