30 April 2016

If Wishing Could Make it So....

Tucson's Tooley's Cafe is currently closed but I am hoping that will change! It is a wonderful, quirky restaurant in Tucson's Lost Barrio District (South of Broadway on Park). This few block area is filled with artist's working studios, galleries, and a few shops. It is a wonderful place for a stroll. And Tooley's.....  I hope someone reopens a cafe there! 

29 April 2016

Goldfinger in Tucson ~

There are just so many things I don't understand about this car! Is this really a gold-plated car? Really? Why would someone want to do that? How much would that cost? And why would you add a custom PURPLE side view mirror to top it all off?  Any ideas?  Ewwwww.....

28 April 2016

Throwback Thursday ~ Many changes!

28 APRIL 2010

The 1st of a new series... Hoof & Roof

Here is the post from 6 years ago today. Already 2 of the 3 animals are gone from the Tucson landscape. There's no more OK Corral Restaurant and no more Fred the Buffalo at Copper Country Antiques.  ):

As I was driving on Oracle Road I spotted this life-size elk on top of - what else? - the Tucson Elks Club Lodge. It got me to thinking about how many other animals there are around town that maintain a rooftop lookout. All suggestions are appreciated. My list so far includes the cow at OK Corral Restaurant, the horse at OK Feed, and Fred the Bison at Copper Country Antiques. What others am I missing?

27 April 2016

The day before ~

Planning a major corporate event can be stressful and sometimes cause chaos, for sure. My company is having its biggest annual event tonight and from what I can see, everything is beautifully organized and ready. Except, perhaps, for my office which indeed looked like a hurricane blew through it. I was storing all of the raffle items and the floor and every horizontal surface was covered with gift baskets, tissue paper, boxes, and bags.... in sort of a controlled chaos.  (:   

26 April 2016

Wacky Racks!

Tucson's beautiful Historic Y Building always has interesting public art outside. Right now they have a selection of whimsical bike racks in front of the building. Fun! 

25 April 2016

Anna in the Tropics Travels to Tucson ~

This thought-provoking Pulitzer prize winning play is in Tucson for just one more weekend. The premise is intriguing... a group of women who work in a cigar rolling factory learn life lessons from the book Anna Karenina as it is read to them while they work. The play is presented by the SomethingSomething Theatre Company, a local nonprofit. 

24 April 2016

Flower Pot Kids ~

Once again I had a mama dove set up her hatchery/nursery in my hanging flower pots! I have actually lost count now how many families have taken flight from those pots. Here is the newest mama and her two kids. Today I watched the kids practicing their flapping. Any day now they will be doing their test flights across the patio. 

23 April 2016

More Desert Beauties ~

These cactus are unusual in that they are low and vine-like. The pinkish purple flowers are stunning! These beauties are part of the amazing collection at the Tohono Chul Park.
Photos courtesy of Susan Dodson. 

22 April 2016

Friday Favorites ~ "Flowers to Go!" Revisited

Recently I asked site visitors if they had requests for any of the thousands of posts that have appeared on the site. Kathy from Boston wanted to revisit this Mayfield Florist photo. Here is my original post from February 2013:

The Mayfield Florist shop is located in a building that was once a pharmacy or a bank with a drive up window. They don't actually use the window (inside it's just a display area) but it's an interesting concept, don't you think? For that guy running a little late to pick up his girlfriend... just drive up, get your flowers, and you're on your way! Maybe I'm onto something here....

And Kathy replied to that post that it WAS a pharmacy and the pharmacist there wrote her a recommendation letter for her pharmacy school application!  Cool story!

21 April 2016

Artful Fountain ~

This is a beautiful sculpture fountain at Tohono Chul Park. The water spills from jug to jug. Fun!
Photo courtesy of Susan Dodson. 

20 April 2016

Handsome Hawk ~

This beautiful metal bird sculpture is on display at the wonderful Tohono Chul Park in Tucson. I am guessing this is a Harris Hawk as they are pretty common in the Sonoran Desert.
Photo courtesy of Susan Dodson.

19 April 2016

Art Road Show ~

This interesting metal art is on the move. Maybe it is going to decorate someone's garden or pool area? The funny thing was that the pieces were all in the back of the truck and the trailer was being hauled along completely empty!

18 April 2016

Can dogs actually run for President?

A friend sent me this with the note that my Border Collie puppy, Abby, should consider running for the highest office in the land. Well she does have drive, determination, brains, and charisma! What do you think?  (:

17 April 2016

The Last Course ~

And for the last course of the "Guests Cook It" dinner party, here is the pan of chocolate and peanut butter brownies waiting to be popped into the oven. Everyone knows I love to bake so it was no surprise that I was picked for "Dessert Team" work! Yum! 

16 April 2016

The First Course ~

I went to a fun party tonight where the guests prepared every part of the meal! I was not on the "Drinks Team" but must compliment them on the yummy strawberry margaritas that served as our first course. Naturally, I was assigned to the "Dessert Team" and we made chocolate peanut butter brownies.  Wow-ee they were good, if I do say so myself! 

15 April 2016

Friday Favorites ~

So I am trying to figure ways to hear from more of you regular visitors! I love it, of course, when you comment on the posts but I'm going to try this method, too. Do you have a favorite type of photo you would like to see/see again? I am thinking about starting a "Friday Favorites" feature that would be posts that you request. For instance, do you like photos of the historic barrio doorways? Weird cactus shapes? The many Random Weird Things seen around town?

I literally have THOUSANDS of photos to choose from that have been posted since the launch of the site. Any requests? Email me at: TucsonDailyPhoto@gmail.com and let me hear from you..... you know who you are!!  (: 

14 April 2016

YES, this home is in Tucson!

I grew up on the east coast and ivy was a very common sight. Many buildings had ivy-covered walls in Pennsylvania....  but in Tucson, not so much! This amazing ivy covered house is astonishing! 

13 April 2016

Beautiful and Colorful Showoffs ~

This is a very beautiful time in the Sonoran Desert! These "torch cactus" (Trichocereus) are exploding with fantastic, huge blossoms that fade within one day. Gorgeous garden displays!

12 April 2016

Birthday Boy with Bone ~

My Jasper celebrated his 7th birthday with a great play hour at the dog park and then a giant bone as a treat. As you can see, the bone is as big as his leg! It kept him busy for a long time. Yum! 

11 April 2016

Cactus Highway ~

These cactus plants lined up row by row is a fun bit of residential landscaping, don't you think?

10 April 2016

Some marital humor?

Seems to me that if this woman picked her OWN license plate, wouldn't she say, "My Broom" instead of "Her Broom?" So perhaps her hubby surprised her with this custom plate. Gee, sweet, huh?  (:

09 April 2016

The Loft Cinema ~ Tucson Treasure

Every month the Loft Cinema has a members' screening. This month they showed "Remember" starring Christopher Plummer. This is a MUST SEE if you like films with twists and turns! The audience gasped at the ending. 

"An intelligent thriller ... Remember creates plot devices of almost Hitchcockian cleverness." - Katie Taylor, Globe and Mail

A masterwork of suspense from one of Canada's most acclaimed filmmakers, the latest Atom Egoyan (The Sweet Hereafter) film stars Academy Award-winner Christopher Plummer as a retiree who flees his nursing home to complete a secret mission of revenge some seventy years in the making - so long as he can remember his goal. (95 mins., Rated R) 

08 April 2016

Snarling Sky Face ~

A storm was on its way and you can see how this cloud formation feels about it! Bye bye blue sky; hello RAIN! 

07 April 2016

Shrub Sculpture ~

This sculpted tree caught my eye.... it looks like an oversized Bonsai with that interesting and gnarly trunk arrangement, doesn't it?

06 April 2016

A glimpse of the lifestyle of the 1% ~

Here is the incredible view from the club house at Stone Canyon. This is a beautifully designed facility that offers one of the best golf courses in the Southwest. Of course, you can live in Stone Canyon, too - not just golf there. The homes are spectacular!

Photo courtesy of Susan Dodson.

05 April 2016

04 April 2016

Final panels of a great mural!

Here are the last colorful and interesting panels of the wonderful wall mural at 22nd at Bristol. If you are in that neighborhood and/or stopping at the Lucky Wishbone, take some time to view this cool piece of public art.

03 April 2016

Most colorful wall in Tucson ~

This amazing, vibrant storytelling mural is a "must see" if you enjoy rich and vivid storytelling via the paintbrush. Here are several more panels of this fun piece of public art at 22nd and Bristol. 

02 April 2016

More pieces - but no more puzzle


Congratulations to Kathy for identifying the location of this beautiful and elaborate mural! Yes, it is on the north wall of the Lucky Wishbone parking lot on 22nd near Bristol.  I am going to post the remaining panels tomorrow so that the whole amazing mural can be admired. 

01 April 2016

Contest time ~ Day 2!


No one made a guess yesterday as to the "Where is this?" posting. Here are pieces 4, 5, and 6 of this beautiful and colorful mural. It is south of Broadway and east of Campbell. Anyone want to take a guess? Good luck!