A LOT is happening at this fun house! Yesterday's Mr Pumpkin Head post is part of the sidewalk decor and here you'll see a flying ghost with top hat, cobwebs, flying spiders, bats, cactus with an alien head, you name it ~ This house has it all! Happy Halloween to everyone - enjoy your treats tonight!
31 October 2012
30 October 2012
29 October 2012
'tis the spooky season ~
Larger than life ghost haunts this adobe style house at Civano, the green community off of Houghton, south of Escalante. These homes are earth friendly and solar powered. For more info about this community, click here.
27 October 2012
26 October 2012
25 October 2012
24 October 2012
Giant advertising ~
One of the west facing walls of the Compass High School campus (on 22nd Street) advertises all the cool classes that are new this year. This is an unusual charter school with a unique approach to learning. Click here to learn more about them.
23 October 2012
Most colorful school in town ~
Here's a van from Tucson's Compass High School - pretty cool! You may remember that part of the school burned down two years ago. They are working to rebuild and be better than ever. For info on this interesting charter high school, click here.
22 October 2012
Pierced fence ~
19 October 2012
Time for another "Where is this?" ~
OK all you smartypants out there! The first to identify "Where is this?" wins a you-know-what.... a fabulous TucsonDailyPhoto t-shirt with the famous Monday blues ram on it OR a mousepad with the same cool image. This portal to nature is embedded within an office complex. I look forward to your guesses!
18 October 2012
17 October 2012
Yep, I fell for it ~
I had to laugh at myself. I was walking around the Tanque Verde Guest Ranch and I spotted this rustic wooden box with a hook holding an old beat up metal cup. Note that it also has a pipe going into the ground. The box top says "Spring" so I thought it was a little water trough of sorts for humans. I opened the top and guess what? There was a big old metal spring sitting in the box - not a refreshing pool of spring water! Duh....
16 October 2012
15 October 2012
14 October 2012
13 October 2012
12 October 2012
Ahhhh ~ spa....
If your entire body is a bit sore from your trail ride, there is a lovely remedy just down this rustic path - the spa. Mmmm! The Tanque Verde Guest Ranch may be a ranch but it's very civilized!
11 October 2012
Your personal vehicle ~
One of the many fun activities offered at Tucson's Tanque Verde Guest Ranch is trail rides! And their corral is filled with dozens of handsome horses just waiting to show you the sights.
10 October 2012
The Old West with comfort and style
One way to enjoy the "Old West" while still using all of your electronic gadgets is to stay at a dude ranch. You get horses, bonfires, grilled steak, and electricity! One of the most famous of such venues is the Tanque Verde Guest Ranch, a Tucson treasure and a family-owned operation for decades.
09 October 2012
Totally Tucson ~
If you would like to experience the Old West with modern amenities, I can't think of a more wonderful place to recommend than the Tanque Verde Guest Ranch. It's way east and borders a national park so you know you are going to get spectacular views, peace, and quiet. For the next few days I'll give you a tour of this terrific property. Their website for more specific info is here.
08 October 2012
Awesome desert bones ~
Sparked by Roberta's comment yesterday, I was particularly happy to spot this magnificent saguaro skeleton today on my drive out to Tanque Verde Guest Ranch. I think this decaying cactus with its mighty ribs exposed is utterly beautiful and majestic. Do stop by tomorrow for a tour of a very special Old West ranch...
07 October 2012
06 October 2012
05 October 2012
Ant Acropolis ~
I'm guessing that everyone knows that ants are very social and live in large colonies. But does everyone know that ants build amazing volcanoes on top of the soil? And that they construct clusters of these cone-shaped residences? Here is a colony that was built right beside the road so no hiking is required to do a little ant field research! Amazing!
04 October 2012
03 October 2012
02 October 2012
01 October 2012
Not your typical Kitchen Witch
Usually the idea of a kitchen witch is a good spirit who keeps roasts from burning and sauces from bubbling over. Click this link for more info about kitchen witches. This witch is displayed near the paper towels and household cleaners so she MIGHT be a kitchen witch but I dunno - she looks pretty scary to me!
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