30 November 2013

One space left!

My local Target was hopping today but it wasn't as crazy as I thought it would be. Check out lines were fast! Are you doing your shopping in stores or online?

29 November 2013

The official start of the season ~

Thanksgiving is behind us now and the Arizona Inn's always-perfect Christmas tree is up! It's officially time to start shopping, wrapping, and baking!

28 November 2013

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

This fellow could really feed a crowd! His presence is bringing an air of festivity to the corner of Kolb and 22nd Street. I hope you enjoy the day. Please post what you are thankful for this year!

27 November 2013

Lights = Festive!

Pastiche restaurant (Campbell near Ft Lowell) has hung just a few strands of lights and the whole place feels festive and ready for the holidays!

26 November 2013

Lemmon Icing ~

Tucson's Mt Lemmon displayed the first signs of snow today! Did you know that Mt Lemmon has a ski area? It's the southern most ski area in the United States. And you thought Tucson was "all about heat." HA!

25 November 2013

All Across America ~

In the spirit of the season, here's one smart turkey who doesn't want to be anyone's dinner! Enjoy ~

24 November 2013

Salute to Tour de Tucson participants ~

The thousands of Tour de Tucson participants had an unrelenting rain as they pedaled their way around Tucson. Unusual weather for this time of year - and a bit cold, too. Today I'd like to feature some of the memorials that have sprung up around Tucson to raise awareness of bicyclists who have been killed by motorists. Here are just five of the many "Ghost Bike" memorials around town. Each one is different and has its own sad story to tell. They are powerful reminders to motorists to be aware.

22 November 2013

Rainbow Rose ~

I have never seen a rose plant like this one! It is blooming in many different colors - yellow, pale pink, darker pink, yellow and orange..... have you ever seen something like this? It is GORGEOUS!

21 November 2013

Wild West with an Arty Twist ~

Don't forget that Tucson was, after all, the Wild West. Cowboys and rodeos are part of our culture and here is an arty salute to our heritage - a pick up truck's tailgate made from horse shoes! Fun and imaginative!

20 November 2013

Greetings from Tucson!

Yesterday's post of the mural at Stone & Speedway reminded me of this well-known postcard image of Tucson - each letter has its own story to tell.

19 November 2013

Tucson's Freshest, Newest Mural ~

Last week I was driving by this corner (Stone and Speedway) and noticed that the wall was being prepped for painting. The six letters were sketched out and outlined with black paint. Now each letter is filled with its own individual mural. It's quite a bold and big art statement on an otherwise dreary corner.

18 November 2013

Snoozing Cat ~

This big sleepy fellow is on the roof of a veterinarian's office on Harrison Rd near Golf Links. You can't tell from the photo but his whiskers that touch the building are made of metal! Fun! And even though he has paws (not hoofs/hooves), I'm including him in the "Hoof Roof Series" - he is on a roof, after all!

17 November 2013

An Empress in camouflague ~

Can you spot the beautiful Empress Leilia butterfly resting on the flowers in my garden? Even in mid-November we are seeing bees and butterflies - wonderful!

16 November 2013

A good old fashioned gathering place ~

Bob Dobbs has been a popular watering hole for a long time! It's far enough away from campus that it isn't "just" a college hangout. It's a relaxed place that attracts an eclectic crowd - sports fans, for sure, but also people shopping at Rincon Market who pop in for a beer and a burger.

15 November 2013

Beverly Hillbillies meet Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (2 photos)

Can't quite guess what the owner of this vehicle is building - a sawed off pickup truck? A hot rod? Looks like he's hauling a beer keg in the back. Hmm. What do you think?

Photos courtesy Victoria Klocko.

14 November 2013

Touch of Europe ~

The landscape designers at La Encantada found the perfect way to add some Old World charm to this new-ish mall -- cover the exterior with ivy. Does give it a more important pedigree, don't you think?

13 November 2013

Sunny skies and shopping go hand in hand ~

While other parts of the country prepare for snow, Tucson's warm and sunny days welcome visitors! Here is one view of the charming, multi-level La Encantada shopping center. Love the arches ~

12 November 2013

High end Putting Green ~

I'm sure the landscape designers at the La Encantada shopping mall weren't intending these patches of green to be used for practice but they sure would keep a few husbands busy while their wives shopped! 

11 November 2013

Celebrating Another Team Tucson ~

For those of you who visit this site regularly, you'll know that once in a while I get a chance to shine a spotlight on people who make Tucson great. Here is a team from Pantano Animal Clinic in their tent at Sunday's "Bark in the Park" event. Helping to raise awareness and financial support for the "Rescue a Golden" event are (from left to right): Carrie, Jackie, and Dr. Quick. And in case you are wondering what Dr Quick is holding.... it's an inflatable tick. Ewwww. Fortunately, real ticks are quite a bit smaller than the model!!

10 November 2013

A view of Tucson from space ~

I had the great pleasure of attending a "Star Party" and the scientists there were talking about the remarkable photos taken of Earth from the spacecraft Cassini. Here the earth - a tiny blue dot - is seen as Cassini was near Saturn - almost a billion miles from Earth. Quite an amazing perspective on things!

09 November 2013

Rock and Water ~

This bold rock sculpture fountain is installed at the entrance to the PCC Downtown Campus Administration Building. I'm sorry the water was not flowing when I took this photo! The water splashing into the turquoise tile basin is beautiful.

08 November 2013

Clever wording!

It's amazing what the eye "sees" when it is guided. This "BIOHAZARD" license plate is actually spelled "8I0HZRD."

07 November 2013

Day of Dead Revelers ~

Here are two more images from the recent All Souls Procession, a.k.a. "Day of the Dead" parade. Creepy but fun! 
Photo courtesy Mark Wight.

06 November 2013

Creepy Couple ~

Tucson celebrated its 23rd "Day of the Dead" parade on Sunday, November 3. It's also known as the All Souls Procession. It's a fantastic, magical festival and parade to honor loved ones who have died and it attracts a diverse crowd of revelers, mourners, and custom-built floats. Here's an example of two of the many parade participants. 

05 November 2013

Sunshine Cones ~

These white cones caught my eye at the Dakota Cafe. I was told they are solar cones. I bet the patio looks beautiful at night lit with these!

04 November 2013

Some things never change ~

This fruit stand on Speedway and 6th Avenue looks like it has been around since before electricity came to Tucson! For part of the year it's all boarded up and looks quite abandoned and I think it has closed forever. Then, it pops open again and sells pumpkins, apple cider, peanuts, honey, and local candies. I don't know if it actually has a name other than "that fruit stand on 6th." It certainly has a rustic charm, though!!

03 November 2013

Tropical paradise - Flamingos! Bananas!

I love these rooftop flamingos in Tucson's historic Pie Allen neighborhood. And the metal banana tree with fruit is fun street art!

02 November 2013

Train Tribute ~

As you saw from yesterday's post, the residents of the historic Pie Allen neighborhood love trains! Here is Adam Homan's salute-to-trains sculpture, "Mecha Angel." This piece is directly across the street from the "We all have Wings" sculpture that was posted the other day. AND - this fence piece is on the east side of the wash. On the wash's west side fence is the fantastic Cidada sculpture that I posted as the most recent "Where is this?" contest. (There wasn't a correct answer submitted on that one. The Cidada sculpture is on Euclid between 7th and 8th Streets.)

01 November 2013

Historic Recycled Building ~

Here is an interesting home in the Pie Allen neighborhood. According to a neighbor, this home was previously a corner market. I would love to see the interior!