31 August 2015

Wild Wildlife Sighting!

MEOW! Here is a bobcat hanging out in my neighbor's driveway! We frequently see javelina in my neighborhood but rarely a bobcat. Beautiful! 

30 August 2015

Moonrise over Tucson, AZ

What a lucky moment to be driving home and to see the moon just coming up in the east! Beautiful! 

29 August 2015

Riding in Style ~

This little pup had the whole back seat to himself! Do you provide limo service to YOUR pup?? Little cutie pie! 

28 August 2015

The Edge of the World ~

The current Tucson monsoons provide gorgeous cloud formations and sky colors. The moody clouds here create the illusion of being at the edge of the world, don't they?

27 August 2015

Throwback Thursday ~ Tucson's Historic Barrio

On this day in 2009 I posted this photo of a typical charming doorway in Tucson's barrio. Happily, some things never change and my bet is that this house has not changed much in six years. Here is the original post:
Tucson's barrio district (also called Barrio Historico or Barrio Libre) is a treasure trove of charming adobe homes - many date from the 1800's. Adjacent to Tucson's downtown, this small area is now a mix of private residences and offices for lawyers & other professionals.


26 August 2015

Another batch has hatched!

For many months now my patio has served as a bird sanctuary and birthing center. I can't remember now how many twins have hatched either in my flower pot (the most popular spot) or up in the rafters. Here are the two newest little ones. I was lucky to snap these photos while mom was out for a few minutes hunting for bugs. It's amazing that the little doves have such scruffy feathers when the mature doves are so sleek. 

25 August 2015

Half and Half ~

It's easier to show than to try and explain the quirkiness of our monsoons. Here you see half of the street is getting rain and half is still enjoying sunshine. Weird indeed but after awhile even the weird seems normal with these storms. 

24 August 2015

Snake Relocation Service ~

Glossy Snake or Gopher Snake... all I know is that I don't want it living on my patio! As I was repotting some asparagus ferns today I discovered that this large fellow had made himself at home in an antique copper bin on my patio. Nice living arrangements I'm sure - close to water, bugs, and lizards. His tapered tail told me he was nonvenomous so I moved the bin with him in it (all the while hoping he wasn't going to try to climb out while en route!) and relocated him to the desert patch beside my driveway. He was a pretty big specimen - maybe 7'.  Let him live long and prosper - elsewhere! (:

23 August 2015

Stormy Weather ~

Every year during Tucson's monsoon season I post what I think is one of the most amazing videos I have ever seen. It's definitely time for the video! It is just 90 seconds long but it will astonish you! Click here and enjoy. Speakers up! After you see it, tell me what you think!

22 August 2015

Important Imposters ~

These twin saguaros on 1st Avenue are beautifully disguised cell phone towers. Amazing, aren't they? My only complaint is this: Did they have to use nearly identical models side by side? Oh well - better than the undisguised ones for sure! 

21 August 2015

Festive fruit ~

When I first saw this cactus I thought it was strung with festive lights. As I walked closer I realized it is a cactus that is loaded with fruit. I had never seen a cactus with fruit placed like this. Usually the fruit is in clusters - not marching up the spine like this. Interesting, yes?

20 August 2015

Villa View?

This beautiful view of a pomegranate tree looks like a scene from a villa in Tuscany! I took this from a stairwell leading to the rooftop deck at Westward Look Resort, a Tucson treasure. 

19 August 2015

Rustic Gazebo ~

Every year my company has its annual conference at the beautiful Westward Look Resort in Tucson. The resort is rich in history and the grounds are a treat to walk around. Here I discovered a rustic picnic area tucked away on one of the many paths that crisscross the acreage.  

18 August 2015

Tucson storm photo seen around the world ~

This is a fantastic storm moment captured by a Tucson photographer! Here is the story of how he did it. We do definitely have a fabulous monsoon storm season! This is a once-in-a-lifetime image. Wow! 

17 August 2015

Tucson's Desert Oasis ~

We're still stuck in a horrible heat trap but there are plenty of cool places in town to visit..... like this beautiful koi pond at Govinda's, one of Tucson's most interesting vegetarian restaurants. It is set in a lovely compound that encourages meditation and reflection. 

16 August 2015

With 110 degree temperatures, we can only dream...

Tucson is having a heat wave and there is no rain in sight this weekend. I imagine that being immersed in a yellow submarine might be refreshing and cool. Relief! And it's a super fun car and license combo.  

15 August 2015

Well, since you asked...... (:

I have had a couple of requests for more photos of my new family member, Abby. So, here she is with her new pink Kong. Her paws look enormous here but the scale is deceptive. The Kong is just 2 1/2" long!

It has been just a week since she arrived and she is really settling in. Thank you for your notes about her! 

14 August 2015

Another sort of "Where is it?" puzzle!

I spotted this fine fellow basking on a decaying prickly pear cactus trunk. This is a beautiful example of the Desert Spiny Lizard, a common sight all over Arizona. Isn't their camouflage amazing??

13 August 2015

Hidden treasure ~

I spotted this fun Renaissance mural/screen/poster from a retail parking lot. The tiny house is like a little gem. And the lovely lady on the mural is adjusting her stocking...   a glimpse of stocking was considered pretty shocking back in the day. Fun image! 

12 August 2015

Tucson wins "Top Pet City" National Award!

Yeah! Woof! Tucson was voted "Top City for Pets" 2015! We love our pets and we have many pet-friendly restaurants and hotels as well as many many dog parks. Here's the link for more info. Tucson rocks for pets! 

11 August 2015

Amazing Live View of a Hummingbird Nest!

This amazing link will give you a live link to a webcam of a hummingbird nest that was built at the end of a data cable on the UA campus. They estimate the fledglings will leave the nest in just a few days. Scroll down to see the little ones testing out their wings - wonderful! Here's the link:

Link courtesy of Sue Dodson, Tucson realtor and supporter of this site. Thank you, Sue!

10 August 2015

Love this license plate!

Custom license plates can be really fun. In this case, the license plate says the driver rescued a dog. (RescuedK9)  What a coincidence that a few days ago I did, too!

The separate sticker says, "Pit Bull on Board" but I didn't get a glimpse of him/her. Maybe next time!

09 August 2015

Very big and very little!

It is hard to believe that the big, bulky, rough-coated javelina starts out so tiny and so cuddly! Baby javelina are called "reds" and these are just TOO cute, aren't they? Look at their tiny hooves!
Photo courtesy of George Goldman.

08 August 2015

Meet Tucson's newest canine resident!

Yes, a puppy has been added to the household! My Aussie was very depressed with the loss of our big boy, Nanook, and it was pretty clear I needed to take some action. I tried Pima Animal Care Center and I tried the Humane Society with no luck finding a pal for my lonely boy, Jasper.

The Humane Society suggested I try a puppy. I was reluctant to take on all that entails but the wonderful folks at AZ Border Collie Rescue matched us up with this sweet sweet girl. Her name is Abby! And in her first day she has already succeeded in stealing bones from Jasper -- something I would have never thought possible! He is a dominant boy and I thought fur would fly. Nope! Happiness reigns!

07 August 2015

Tucson's Awesome Little Library!

If you do not know about the wonderful "Little Free Library" movement, check out this link to their Facebook page to learn more! Currently their website is under construction but the FB page gives you plenty of info. This particular treasure is on Cherry. Wonderful, wonderful project! I'm going to see how I can start one in my neighborhood. 

06 August 2015

Tucson fire - Day to Night

Currently there is a wildfire blazing in the Catalina Mountains. The Finger Rock Fire has burned 150 acres so far but forest rangers say no structures are in danger. They are hoping that rain in the next day or so will put this fire out.

04 August 2015

Double beauty, double luck!

We are still getting lots of stormy weather and the gift of the rain is always the rainbows. This beautiful double rainbow was just magnificent! I took these three views of the double rainbow while I was out on a walk with my dog. I only had my phone camera handy so I couldn't capture the full arcs. And yes, it was raining while the rainbow was shining through. I love the second photo's eerie light. Beautiful! 

03 August 2015

If Noah had only swatted those two flies....

MailBUG! Fun mailbox! Looks like a home creation of a really giant fly... or maybe a bee (they both have 6 legs). But this fellow is some sort of mutant insect because it only has 2 wings (bees and flies have 4). Is there an insect that has 6 legs, 2 wings, and a lock mechanism for a nose? Dunno. 

02 August 2015

My Sunflower Skyscraper ~

Last month I posted this sunflower as a "work in progress." Its growth had eclipsed all of the other sunflowers I had growing in my garden. This heroic specimen ultimately reached a majestic 82 1/2" -- just a squeak below 7' tall! My neighbor's patio is on the other side of the fence and she claims that she could almost see this flower getting taller by the minute as she sat on her patio!  Beauty!

01 August 2015

Dramatic and beautiful sculpture ~

Today's post is one more piece of interesting public art in charming Bisbee, AZ - a sphinx. One of the most wonderful things about the town is the bounty of art that is everywhere. At every turn, on every winding street, there is whimsy and beauty to greet the eye.