31 March 2014

Most interesting storefront ~

The Village Blacksmith maintains a rustic storefront on Alvernon just south of Ft Lowell. The property is its own best advertisement for their work - interesting sculptures, doors, gates, and yard art. Unique!

30 March 2014

One big bug ~

The Desert Museum's restaurant has an assortment of great, crazy bug sculptures hanging from the ceiling. I understand they were first hung just as artwork and then later wired to be lamps. They are wonderful!

29 March 2014

Don't call me a pig; it's HOG ~

When I first saw this great metal sculpture at the Desert Museum I thought it was a depiction of our local peccaries the javelinas (commonly and incorrectly called "pigs") but a staffer informed me that this is, in fact, a Warthog. Do check out its amazing eyelashes!

28 March 2014

A different kind of Open House ~

When you hear "Open House" you might think of a real estate offering. Tucson's Planetary Science Institute held their annual Open House on Wednesday and it was an event offering science demos and talks with topics from Mars to Meteorites. Interesting and fun! PSI is a Tucson-based research institute with scientists all over the world. Read more about their fascinating research here.

27 March 2014

Tucson's Superhero - Spider Guy!

I love the Gaslight Theatre and am sorry I missed this one - "The Incredible Spider Guy" from last year. Outside the theatre are several of these fun "posters" where you can pose as the character and have your photo taken. In front of the adjoining restaurant, Little Anthony's, you can "be" Marilyn Monroe or Elvis. Fun!

26 March 2014

Tucson's Loch Ness Monster ~

We may be in the Sonoran Desert but we have our very own Loch Ness Monster! Here's Nessie on the grounds of Jacinto Park.

25 March 2014

Acres of love ~

People often think of cemeteries as depressing places but I must tell you that Evergreen Cemetery is a lovely park. A dear friend's final resting place is there and it cheers me up to know that all year round she is surrounded by bouquets of flowers and balloons and hearts and other loving tributes placed on the other graves. Flowers stretch as far as the eye can see ~

24 March 2014

Work in progress ~

This is just a small snapshot of what's going on in my backyard these days! Soil, fertilizer, pots, plants, trowel, shears, shovel, etc. etc. All with the hope that everything new will get firmly rooted before we start our "100 days of 100 degree days" weather! There is nothing quite as comforting as a pretty garden.

23 March 2014

Is Peace Possible?

I think this truck is just great. What do you think about the message - is is possible?

22 March 2014

"Where is this?" Clue #2

The Friday post photo asking "Where is this?" is not an art gallery, performance space, or theatre. It is situated north of Speedway, south of Grant, east of Wilmot and west of Kolb. Put your thinking caps on!

21 March 2014

20 March 2014

Time again for "Where is this?"

OK everyone... for those of you who are regulars to this site you know that the first person to correctly identify "Where is this?" wins a TDP t-shirt (or mouse pad) sporting the forlorn "Monday already?" ram. See photos of the image on the TDP home page. The winner will be a member of an exclusive club! (:

19 March 2014

18 March 2014

History in our midst ~

Just west of Swan and south of Ft Lowell is a small, rural cemetery. The graveyard is reserved for descendants of "Los Fuertenos," the Mexican families who made the abandoned Fort their home. This is a fascinating piece of Tucson history! Read more here

17 March 2014

Happy St Patrick's Day!

They say that today everyone is Irish! Enjoy the day and may the luck of the Irish be with you ~

16 March 2014

Tucson's Best Festival ~

The Tucson Festival of Books is just a few years old but already it has grown to be one of the most important book festivals in the country. For two days the University of Arizona's mall is turned into an educational playground. Author talks, educational demonstrations, and science experiments engage people of all ages. Check out the top photo of the "Brain-iac" Hats! Fun! The bottom photo is the Planetary Science Institute's impact rock demo table. 

15 March 2014

It's that time of year ~

Just a month to go until the IRS deadline! Survey time: How many of you have finished your taxes already? How many of you do your taxes yourself with Quickbooks?

13 March 2014

Tucson is Cat Crazy ~

The Wildcats basketball team gets big support in Tucson! All over town business owners cheer them on. Isn't this vintage sign great?

12 March 2014

Bubbles fence ~

I always love to see anything utilitarian turned into something whimsical or beautiful. Here's a piece of fun fencing downtown just off of Congress Street.

11 March 2014

Tucson's Mission to Mars ~

On the south-facing wall of a building on Drachman near Stone Avenue the UA-led Mission to Mars is celebrated by this brilliantly colored mural. The Phoenix Mission (slightly confusing name as the University of Arizona in Tucson, not Phoenix, was a lead in the project) launched in late 2007 and landed on Mars in May, 2008. To read more about this incredibly interesting mission, click here.

10 March 2014

Worth the wait ~

This jasmine was planted in my back yard two years ago. The first year it did not bloom at all. Last year it produced a few flowers. Naturally, I was disappointed that I wasn't going to get the floral view I wanted to see from my kitchen window. But then... this year - wow! This is a pink jasmine - it produces pink buds and white flowers. It was certainly worth the wait!

09 March 2014

Time Machine Offers 4 Choices ~

On this interesting property tour, I've saved the Time Machine for last. The artist offers the time traveler four choices: 1/Return to your youth but know what you know now; 2/Return to your youth; when you come back you won't know now what you didn't know then; 3/Stay present in the present; and 4/Go forward to your old age; when you come back you probably won't remember much.

08 March 2014

Fish (on a ) Stick

I really like this fish/shark/dolphin sculpture. In the background you can see a few of the other pieces created by this artist. And do scroll back for a few days to see even more of this artist's work.

07 March 2014

Hmmm...Horseshoe Sled Chair

Continuing on my exploratory journey of this amazing property, I discovered this.... Sled Chair? Perhaps rocket propelled? With saddle bags for storage....   Can't imagine the horse shoes offer much comfort while seated but maybe you don't notice that if you get up enough speed.  Hmm. Definitely interesting!

06 March 2014

Race car or grounded spaceship?

I happened upon a wild pasture filled with sculptures (and a boat in a tree - see yesterday's post) and photographed many of the whimsical and fun pieces. One of the site followers (thanks, Ellen!) posted an article that appeared in the AZ Daily Star about this veterinarian-turned-blacksmith. I had missed the article and if you'd like to read more about this interesting artist, click here.

05 March 2014

Ready for the big flood ~

We did have some rain over the weekend but not quite enough to launch THIS boat! I was tempted to use this wacky image as one of the "Where is this?" contest entries. I doubt if even Ellen or Kathy would know where I saw this!

04 March 2014

Guard pig?

The familiar javelina (actually a peccary, not a "pig") is usually an unwelcome visitor because he/she brings the entire family with them and eats the flowers and vines you have in your yard. But this metal sculpture standing guard (definitely life size) might even deter the herd. And what about that nearby cat? There was also a big metal lizard decorating the front but I couldn't capture all 3 in one shot. 

03 March 2014

Car flirt ~

Yes, you CAN believe your eyes. This car is sporting enviably LONG LASHES. And they are not painted on - they are 3-D! WOW! What fun to dress your car up with glamorous lashes like these!
Photo courtesy Carol Smith

02 March 2014

Spectacular Tucson Sunset + Double Rainbow (scroll down)!

This incredible rainbow sky show took less than 5 minutes to come and go! I was so lucky to be driving down Pantano Parkway near 22nd Street when the light was just right. This double rainbow was gorgeous!

01 March 2014

Uh, is that the best you can do?

Seriously -- would you drink something called "Moose Drool"???  And how many ad agency creative brains were involved in selecting THAT name? Oh dear.