28 February 2015

Exuberant water feature!

Even though the plentiful golf courses in Tucson would lead one to believe we have no water concerns, the truth is, we ARE in the desert. As a result we don't have many water features in public spaces - the exception being shopping centers and casinos. Here is a lovely fountain that sparkles year round at St Philip's Plaza.

27 February 2015

Tucson Rodeo Turns 90!

In Tucson the annual rodeo (La Fiesta de los Vaqueros) is a really big event. And this year it celebrates its 90th birthday! Long celebrated as the world's longest non-motorized parade, this is a sight to see with floats, buggies, dancers, bands, and riders. It's Tucson's equivalent of New Orleans' Mardi Gras!  The rodeo spans 9 days and schools are closed for 2 days. Yes, Tucson schools close for rodeo!

26 February 2015

Throwback Thursday ~ Some things never change!

So often when I travel back into the TDP "Wayback Machine" I find that the place has changed or the mural is gone or in some way I am reminded that this site sometimes serves as a Tucson mini archive. This time I can report that the posting from Feb 26, 2010 is pretty much unchanged!

Here's the original post:
I'm happy to see that the venerable Hippie Gypsy store carries street signs that embody the spirit of the 60's - Dead Head Way, Stoner Way, Abbey Road... and oh yes ~ Reefer Road. This is a place for incense and t-shirts and smoking supplies on 4th Avenue.
Hippie Gypsy
maps.google.com351 North 4th Avenue

25 February 2015

Even in Sunny Tucson - a dark side

Who knew that Tucson's sunny climate would also attract Dracula's relatives? Hey - if I were a vampire and had to avoid sunlight, Tucson would not be on my short list of places to live. Mysterious!

24 February 2015

Burning Bushes - Spectacular!

A friend sent me this photo taken while camping near Ajo Highway and Sandario Road. The setting sun sets the trees and bushes ablaze with color - gorgeous!

23 February 2015

Happy couple!

I was stopped at a red light and looked over to see this happy couple! It was a great day for a drive with your best buddy. Adorable!

22 February 2015

Looking out, Looking in ~

An East Coast friend sent me this photo today of Molly, the cat, looking out at a deer crossing the snowy back yard. We can forget, In Tucson, that a big part of America is snowbound right now!

21 February 2015

Magritte in Tucson ~

This fun patio "roof" reminds me of the Magritte umbrellas. This is fun, don't you think?

20 February 2015

Beautiful Blue Big Bird ~

I am sorry that the peacock at Govinda's was resting on its perch and not patrolling the grounds when I was last there. Often visitors get to enjoy the stunning display of this fellow's spectacular tail as he strolls around and shows off.

19 February 2015

Tranquility and peace reign ~

The grounds surrounding Govinda's Restaurant are beautiful - like a perfect little park. Koi pond, peacocks, cockatoos... it is a lovely little oasis just off of 1st Avenue. A Tucson treasure!

18 February 2015

Cuddly! Yes - a cuddly bird, indeed ~

I never thought I would describe a bird as cuddly but this fellow fits that description! This sociable cockatoo LOVES to be petted and scratched and talked to. And he talks back! You can visit with him at Govinda's, the wonderful vegetarian restaurant and center of the India community in Tucson.

17 February 2015

Even turtles sunbathe!

Our unseasonably warm weather continues. It's crazy to have 80 degree weather in February but that's what is going on now. Check out these sunbathing turtles!

16 February 2015

Tucson has a green thumb!

Definitely a bright spot in an otherwise boring intersection! This gigantic desert bloom is the creation of Hank Saxe and Cynthia Patterson who were striving to pay homage to our desert vegetation and also recognize the local importance of the Pascua Yaqui Indians.  The flower is to remind viewers of the "powerful and mysterious presence" of the Pascua culture in our region. This massive bloom is just plain fun to look at!

15 February 2015

Paw/Love Gate: the full view

For those of you who saw yesterday's post of the heart-shaped paw print gate, here's the full picture. The gates are the entry to the Madera Veterinary Hospital which is way out east on Houghton Road. I also LOVE their larger-than-lifesize guard dog mascot! Great Dane? Mastiff? What do you think?

13 February 2015

All is revealed today - and more photos, Roseann!

So Ellen had the closest guess with Union House because it is just a stone's throw away. This restaurant is also in St Philip's Plaza..... it is named Bodega. It is gorgeous inside and the patio is wonderful, too. Here's their link to see more photos (scroll down past the stock photos of the 20-somethings drinking and get to the bottom of their home page to see more views). 

Good guesses yesterday but none rang the winner's bell! This place has an odd name. In other words, the name doesn't really describe this sort of Old World/European interior. 

Wow - not a single guess so far! OK - here are some clues: it is north of Grant and south of River; west of Swan. 

OK~! It's time for all you Sherlocks out there to guess "Where is this?" Regular visitors know that the first to identify this Tucson location wins a "fabulous" TDP t-shirt and mousepad featuring the site's mascot, the expressive ram who plaintively asks, "Monday already?"

09 February 2015

Zombies and other creatures ~

Here are some zombies in the making as well as some other creatures and odd things at a Tucson pinata store. Even in this early stage I think these zombies are creepy! 

08 February 2015

Tucson is still wild ~

In my neighborhood we have a couple of herds of javelina and coyotes but I have never seen a deer. My friend, however, sees deer frequently up in Oro Valley. Here's one in the backyard!

07 February 2015

A Tucson beheading ~

Once again I find that something I covered years ago in Tucson has closed, disappeared, been painted over, or moved. Here is just the head and tongue of what was a grand, huge tile snake on Wrightstown Road. Now only the lonely head remains. I would hope that in some studio somewhere the body and tail are being repaired but by the looks of the freshly poured concrete median, I kind of doubt it. I think the snake has been beheaded and that is how it will stay. If you want to see another view of him from 2009, click here.

06 February 2015

No Marketing Person was Consulted ~

So when Mr Stern decided to start his company selling fruits and vegetables I'm sure he did not think about his future advertising: Stern fruits and vegetables? Me? I'd rather eat happy ones....   (:

05 February 2015

Royal plumage ~

"Wild Kingdom" indeed! This looks like quite a grand castle for your feathered friends. And a lovely rooftop garden area, too!

04 February 2015

Watchful eye ~

The gallery had not yet posted the piece's title or artist when I walked through. Want to suggest a title for this vibrant painting?

03 February 2015

Roaring dragon? Yawning dragon?

Here is another interesting piece of metal sculpture on display during Tucson's sculpture festival. The 4-gallery event continues through Feb 14.

02 February 2015

Bizarre baby ~

Tucson's "The Drawing Studio" is hosting a 2-week sculpture festival that spans four venues. This bizarre baby sculpture with two sets of legs is one of the pieces on display at the Sculpture Resource Center.

01 February 2015

SuperSKULL Sunday ~

How's this for a fun thing at your Superbowl Party - a football helmeted skull pinata! Only in Arizona.....