19 December 2019

Happy Season!

Let me wish you and everyone you love a wonderful holiday season! Eat well and enjoy yourself during this festive time to be with friends and reflect on the year behind us and the year ahead. 

14 December 2019

Same House, Different Chef

Every year the Arizona Inn creates a "Mini Inn" display for the lobby. I don't know if the house is gingerbread (or even if it is edible). Here's a quick review of 6 versions that have been on display in recent years. The top image is this year's house. A little skimpy on embellishments IMHO.

YES, the alarming orange icing is really that color - no trick of the camera! Anyone who has ever seen the Inn will describe it as more of a PINK than an ORANGE color so it is unclear why the pastry chefs went so heavy into the "Hazard Orange" color zone...   Which one do you like the best? And YES some years are definitely better than others (as you can see for yourself). 

10 December 2019

Whooooo's Coming to Town? Santa Owl!

Wow - check it out! Our neighborhood Santa Owl has grown a beard since last year! Top photo is from today. Bottom photo is last year. FUN! 

05 December 2019

Change of Season ~

Ah, yes! "THE" tree is beautifully displayed at the Arizona Inn. Every year the Inn places a huge Christmas tree in the library - visible from Elm Street, too. A beautiful tradition and a beautiful tree. Sets the festive mood for the season!