31 July 2017

Ancient Gateway to a New Week!

Happy Monday! Here is a handsome archway/gate that is part of the Julian Wash Greenway. The piece, "Joining Hands," is by local artist Chris Tanz. Click here to learn more about the inspiration for these Hohokam figures.
Photo courtesy of Ken Wilcox.

30 July 2017

You have a 50/50 Chance ~

What do you think - sunrise or sunset? Either way, this electrical station looks magical against the Tucson sky!

29 July 2017


A really loud buzzing was going on around this prickly pear and at first I was struck by how many plump bees were flying around. But the big surprise was the huge cluster of Figeater Beetles chewing away on one of the prickly pear fruits! WOW! They are iridescent green and just gorgeous! 

28 July 2017

Big Red ~

I was struck by the beauty of this red-spined barrel cactus. The spines just glowed in the morning sun. I'm not sure if I have correctly identified it so post a comment if you know more! It is either a Denmoza Rhodacantha or a Ferocactus. It is GORGEOUS! 

27 July 2017

Throwback Thursday ~ Dragon was Slain!

27 JULY 2009

Tucson's Own Dragon Slayer ~

Sadly, this mural is long gone...  What was once a fabulous land of fairytale imagery was painted over years ago. And now, in fact, Bookmans no longer occupies that retail space. They consolidated their east side locations to just the one on Speedway. 

This knight in shining armor is defending the corner of Grant and Campbell against a dragon attack. The east facing walls of Bookmans (one of Tucson's best used book stores) are decorated with a series of fantasy murals. According to the staff, all mural characters have been given nicknames. The knight is "Hugh" and the dragon is "Harold."

I'll post more images from this wonderful fairytale art in the weeks ahead. Come back for "Damsel in Distress," "Evil Queen," "Mr. Be-header," "Venus de Milo's Sister," and "Pirate Ship."

Grant & Campbell

26 July 2017

All is revealed!

Wow - not a single guess as to "Where is this?"   It is the Pantano River Walk at Lowe's (Speedway and Kolb). Beautiful beautiful landscape views from there. This is a wonderful biking and walking trail. 

Here are two more images from the mini park area. The space is decorated with self portrait tiles created by students. Fun! Check out "Connor's" portrait - is that a coyote sitting on him? Is he in a sleeping bag? Very mysterious!  (:

The Pantano River Park Trail follows Pantano Wash northwest from a junction with the Harrison Greenway to Tanque Verde Road, providing direct trail access to thousands of residents of Tucson. The smoothly paved trail features undercrossings at every road, allowing for safe and uninterrupted travel throughout.

A future extension will continue the trail northwest to the Rillito River Park Trail. Both trails, along with the Harrison Greenway, are integral components of a larger trail network called The Loop that will one day encompass 130 miles of trail throughout Tucson and Pima County.

25 July 2017

Day 2 of "Where is this?"

24 JULY 2017

Time for another "Where is this?"

Let's start the week with another "Where is this?" quiz. Regular site visitors know that the first one to identify this Tucson location wins a "fabulous" TDP t-shirt!.  Previous winners please sit on your hands for a day and give others a shot at glory!  (:

No guesses so far!! OK - if you were here you would be north of Broadway, south of Grant, east of Craycroft, and west of Harrison. 

24 July 2017

Time for another "Where is this?"

Let's start the week with another "Where is this?" quiz. Regular site visitors know that the first one to identify this Tucson location wins a "fabulous" TDP t-shirt!.  Previous winners please sit on your hands for a day and give others a shot at glory!  (:

23 July 2017

Old and New, New and Old

In the foreground is a very old Saguaro Cactus Skeleton and in the background another tall and stately Tucson sight - a cell tower. These cactus skeletons are used in lots of imaginative ways as house decor. I have seen these cactus spines/ribs turned into lamps, furniture, and even fences! I caught this image just as another storm was rolling in. Hello, Monsoon Season! 

22 July 2017

The Air Conditioner Has Landed!

Exciting stuff! The condenser for the new air conditioner was too big to fit through the gate so a crane had to be summoned to drop it down. The box swung over the house and touched down on the patio as light as a butterfly! It was amazing to watch! Crane drivers have awesome skills!!

21 July 2017

Welcome to the Wild West!

Although it is a bit hard to see at this distance, YES, those are cows crossing the road ahead. And a few over to the right are strolling around also. This was taken on the bike path - or should I now call it the Cow Path? - that is part of Harrison Green Way.

20 July 2017

Throwback Thursday ~ Still at the same address?

20 July 2014

I'm talking really serious downsizing! 

UPDATE 2017: I wonder if this person has moved into even smaller quarters by now....
ORIGINAL POST: Lots of people talk about downsizing their lives. Well, here's someone who lives in a milk truck! Wow!
Photo courtesy of Carol Tretiakoff

19 July 2017

Hello New Day in Tucson!

Tucson is world-famous for its sunsets but we also offer spectacular sunrises, too! Check out this pink and yellow morning glow! Beautiful!
Photo courtesy of Jeffry Gardner.

18 July 2017

Tucson Trivia ~ We're a bird epicenter!

Aside from the Amazon Rain Forest, Tucson has more bird species to observe than any other place on earth. No wonder then that the most comprehensive bird count in the world is here in Tucson. Hundreds of volunteers track the multitude of species. We have a variety of elevations, mild seasons, and many migratory flyways. Go birding! For more info, click here

17 July 2017

Don't worry, you can outrun this guy...

Gila monsters are dangerous lizards with a nasty venom. They have sharp, serrated teeth and they gnaw away on their victim as they inject their poisonous venom. But no worries... their top speed is 1.5 miles an hour so you can make a safe getaway! Here are some additional fun facts from the Smithsonian about this beautiful but dangerous lizard. For instance, did you know that they can consume their calorie needs for a year with just a few meals?
Photo courtesy of Sue Dodson. 

16 July 2017

Looks as good as new!

The top photo is a print ad from the late 1950's for the Nash Metropolitan. The bottom shows the same car on display in Tucson as part of the Truly Nolen Company's massive collection of restored automobiles. A wonderful snippet of car history! Looks like it was a fun little car and I sure love those white walled tires! 

15 July 2017

Close your eyes! Unbelievable!

Now that the monsoon season is here, I am delighted to share my favorite video for this time of year. I post this every year because it is truly one of the MOST amazing videos!  You will just not believe your eyes and ears when you see and hear how this chorus creates a huge rain storm. Love it! Love it! Enjoy! 

14 July 2017

Proud mama of twins!

One little dove hatched and shortly afterward it had a sibling. Mama is keeping a close eye on these little scruffy babies! It is amazing how soon their coats smooth out and they start to fly!
Photos courtesy of George Goldman. 

13 July 2017

Throwback Thursday ~ Different Year, Same Sky

13 JULY 2009

Patch of Blue ~

2009: As the storm clouds rolled in I was mesmerized by the one patch of blue sky that remained visible even after the rain started. What a beautiful contrast ~ the grey and the blue side by side.
2017: We are in our rainy season again and we regularly see spectacular cloud formations every single day - wow! 

12 July 2017

Finally! Overcast sky!

We had our first monsoon rain of the season last night - YAY! The temperature dropped by 20+ degrees and what a welcome relief it was. My neighbor's entry gate looks a bit ominous and gloomy with the thin gray clouds behind it.

11 July 2017

Tucson Trivia - Local Celebrities

You have probably driven or walked by the downtown Ronstadt Transit Center many times. Did you ever think it was named after Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famer Linda Ronstadt? Nope! It was actually named after her family, who since the 1800's have been helping to build and shape the community. The singer was born here in Tucson in 1946 but moved away in the 1960s to start her musical career. 

10 July 2017

Mysterious Yellow Orb ~

This is not an official "Where is this?" contest posting because it is a really unusual place. But feel free to guess where I am! 

09 July 2017


Speaking for everyone in Tucson I can say that YES we are "ALL IN" as a result of this relentless heat. We are tired of it! Sick of it! Annoyed with it! Where are the monsoons, we ask? Where is the rain to give us relief from this heat? Record temperatures - meh. Who cares? We want rain!!

08 July 2017

Purple Times Two ~

This purple garage door and the purple prickly pear are a harmonious contrast to the terracotta colored stucco. And I LOVE that gate and the party lights! 

07 July 2017

From Fluffy to Fearsome in 30 days!


In just 30 days (from June 3 to July 3) this Cooper's Hawk has gone from white, fluffy, and adorable to fully feathered and fearsome! Check out those yellow feet and those scary talons! Look out Tucson field mice, snakes, and small birds! Owww!
Photo courtesy of George Goldman.

06 July 2017

Throwback Thursday ~ Public Art Still Rocks!

06 July 2009

Brilliant Colors ~ Powerful Message 


This vibrant mural is a community project that was painted at Mansfield Park. The plaque says, in part, "The main focus of our mural is the tree whose roots are made up of different cultures and many generations that help it grow to be what it is... When we are so moved by an experience that we want to share it with others we are where art begins!"

Ten artists signed this mural. I hope they are all still using their creative talents here in Tucson! The brilliant colors are a remarkable contrast to the fierce, dark storm clouds rolling in.

Mansfield Park
2000 N. 4th Ave

05 July 2017

The Spirit of the Day!

My community had a 4th of July celebration in the morning for the kids. They could decorate their bikes and helmets with red, white, and blue streamers, pinwheels, bunting, and ribbons and then the mini bikers formed a parade to the pool where everyone celebrated with watermelon and Eegee's. It was sweet fun! Check out the amazing nimble boy on the stilts! He was really really good! And even Lyle, the sweet lab, got into the act. Notice he was wearing his hot paws booties. Love it! 

04 July 2017

Happy 4th of July from Tucson, AZ!

Looks like these saguaros are watching the fireworks, doesn't it? Hope you have a happy and safe day today! Celebrate with food and friends. Be careful with the fireworks. Keep your pets safe. ENJOY!

03 July 2017

Preparing Your Pets for Tomorrow ~

Many pets are terrified of fireworks - loud booming, snapping, crackling, and sizzling may be exciting for humans but your dogs and cats can have a very hard time with this traditional celebration. To prepare for tomorrow night, here is a good article about how to minimize the stress that your pets may have. There are some good tips here!

02 July 2017

Burning Windows ~

Tucson is well known for its vivid and spectacular sunsets. Here I was struck with how much a sunset that is reflected on these windows looks like an actual fire burning inside. The tangerine and neon yellow coloration is gorgeous!

01 July 2017

Is your grill fired up for the holiday?

Our site sponsor, Susan Dodson, sent along this recipe for Arizona Honey Glazed Ribs just in time for the 4th of July grilling frenzy that accompanies that day! Bon appetit!