29 September 2017

Have you eaten in this Room With a View?

Here is a Tucson restaurant with a wonderful downtown view. Look familiar? Guess where it is and win a "fabulous" TDP t-shirt! (And Rosann - sit on your hands for a day before you spill the beans!)

DAY 2:  Wow - not a single guess as to where this is! You can see by the view that it is in downtown Tucson. OK - this is part of the private dining area that Maynard's offers for parties and other gatherings. 

28 September 2017

Throwback Thursday - Some Things Never Change!


Time-tested Shelter ~ Tucson Tepee

OK, here's today's image and it comes with a quiz. Anyone want to guess where this tepee is located?
NOW: This image was from 2009 when the site was just a few months old. This was before the official "Where is This?" contest was launched. The question remains the same... want to guess where this is??

27 September 2017

My Literary Neighborhood!

As I continue to explore my neighborhood I continue to spot wonderful things. Here is another "Little Free Library" that is designed to complement the area. Don't know about the "Little Free Library" movement? Click here and learn more! Start one in your own 'hood! 

26 September 2017

Spa..hhhhh ~

It's Tuesday - Tucson Trivia Time! Did you know that Tucson is a world-famous spa resort getaway destination? Tucson is home to Miraval and Canyon Ranch as well as home to many resorts that offer fantastic spa treatments. Relax! Enjoy! Visit Tucson!

25 September 2017

Two Rooms with a View ~

Currently the Arizona Theatre Company is offering Neil Simon's "Chapter Two" at the beautiful Temple of Music and Art. The stage set is clever in that it shows two apartments side by side which magnifies the humor in a long series of phone calls between George, the lead character, and Jennie, his love interest. David Mason knocks the ball out of the park with his portrayal of George, the widower novelist. The play was written as an homage to Marsha Mason, Simon's 2nd wife and inspiration for the Jennie character. Mason also directed this play.  

24 September 2017

Weird, lost opportunity!

So you may already know this but Tucson is noted as one of the best places to view hummingbirds. We have a huge variety of hummers in this region and their colors are utterly beautiful and jewel-like. With that said, if you were to put a wheel cover on your vehicle, why would you select a drab black and white hummer image????  Dunno!

23 September 2017

Urban Jungle ~

This row of old wooden barrels mixed with big ceramic pots and lots of plants makes a nice barrier in front of Maynard's downtown. 

22 September 2017

It's a Girl Thing...

Yes, I totally get it that a black patent leather high heel has been elevated to "high art" status! Kudos to Kingfisher restaurant for celebrating such a girly piece of art in the ladies room! 

21 September 2017


Tucson Treasure ~ the Botanical Gardens

Definitely an oasis, a respite, a sanctuary...the Tucson Botanical Gardens is located in a very dense part of town, but once you step through the doorway, you are miles away from stress. Here is one of the "Sensory Patios" where the design is meant to engage all five senses.

If it is even possible, the Gardens are more beautiful now than they were 8 years ago! And there are many new features and exhibits - including dog friendly nights! It is a magical place that will enchant you! 

Tucson Botanical Gardens 
2150 N Alvernon Way
(520) 326-9686
Get directions

20 September 2017

Trekking Tortoise ~

This handsome fellow found his way into my yard. He was BIG! What a beauty. He enjoyed some carrots, hibiscus flowers, and celery along with some water before his family came to claim him and take him home! He was so interesting looking -- so utterly ancient! 

19 September 2017

TWOSAHN Tuesday Trivia!

Sigh. Tucson is the 2nd most misspelled city in America! People spell it in all sorts of crazy ways. Here are just a few:  Toosan, Tuscan, Twoson, and my personal favorite (yikes!): TWOSAHN. The only city in America that tops Tucson for misspellings is Pittsburgh, PA.  And here is a Fun Fact: I have lived in both cities! 

18 September 2017

Happy Margarita Monday!

These happy pups really know how to kick off their week! For a great margarita recipe, click here. P.S. ....not really an official contest but does anyone want to guess where I spotted this mural? 

16 September 2017

Contest time again! Oh boy!

You know the rules by now.... first one to correctly identify this location wins a "fabulous" TDP t-shirt! Anyone want to guess where this heroic lighted fish lives? Good luck! 

15 September 2017

One WILD ride!

When you are a bicyclist and you see a rattlesnake in the road, you definitely let it go on its way before you proceed. But then if it just sits there, you throw a rock (or two, or three) at it to get it to move along. Then, you might see the rattlesnake show real displeasure at having rocks hurled at it by curling up and letting you know to back off and just WAIT.

Photos courtesy of Ken Wilcox.

14 September 2017

Tucson Throwback Thursday - Pink Boots are Always in Style!


It's a Tucson Cowgirl thing ~ Pink Boots

THEN and NOW....
Working on a ranch you have to have the right boots. Why not pink ones?

Photo courtesy of Cindy Klein. 

Picture RocksArizona maps.google.com

13 September 2017

Cool Colonnade ~

I considered making this a "Where is this?" contest entry but it is really really obscure. I have driven past this storefront so many times and had no idea that if you pull into the side parking lot you will see this teal-colored colonnade. This is the east side of the SAS Fabrics building on Speedway! 

12 September 2017

Tucson Trivia! Did you know Tucson was voted the best....

Source: Flickr user bill85704

..."Best Bike Town in the Nation" by Outside Magazine? There is a Ciclovia event that opens miles of public streets for bicycle (and pedestrian) use. And then there is the world-famous Tour de Tucson that takes place every November. Pedal on! And hundreds of miles of bike paths! 

11 September 2017

Poet's Corner Flower ~

This cactus flower is particularly beautiful - creamy white petals that are almost translucent! It never ceases to amaze me the beauty that blooms in our desert!
Photo courtesy of Kathi Gardner. 

10 September 2017

Rooftop Surveillance ~

This alert hawk in the Poet's Corner neighborhood looks like he is scanning for his next meal. Watch out field mice, pack rats, and other birds!
Photo courtesy of Kathi Gardner. 

09 September 2017

Clouds in a Tucson night sky ~

Our full moon was so incredibly bright that the whole sky was illuminated. Just beautiful! I love this shot of the white fluffy clouds just going on forever into the horizon.
Photo courtesy of George Goldman.  

08 September 2017

Interesting Traffic Directional Sign!

Usually in traffic when someone tells us to go somewhere, it is not to heaven! Fun! And nice!  

06 September 2017

Blue Beauty ~

This blue beauty alighted on my patio this afternoon. This is a Black Swallowtail - female. The males of this species have much more yellow spotting and less vibrant blue spotting. Here are some wonderful photos and more info of this lovely butterfly. 

05 September 2017

Tuesday Tucson Trivia ~ did you know....?

Did you know that the Humane Society of Southern Arizona receives NO money from the national Humane Society? Our local chapter which does so much good work is supported entirely by local donations. And did you know that they have a WONDERFUL thrift store on Speedway - right across from the new Summit Hut store?

And speaking of donations....a lot of people have been talking about the enormous and fast expansion of Goodwill all over the region. I had heard that the employees are not treated well there but I was shocked when my neighbor shared this chart with me about the CEO. Wow!

04 September 2017

02 September 2017

Practical Art ~

This beautiful floral bench is part of the seating offered on the many patio areas of St Philip's Plaza, one of Tucson's most charming retail shopping areas. Rest! Enjoy! Shop! 

01 September 2017

The Waiting Game ~

Will it be a brother or a sister? Very soon the little hatchling will have a sibling!

Photo courtesy of George Goldman.