21 April 2016

Artful Fountain ~

This is a beautiful sculpture fountain at Tohono Chul Park. The water spills from jug to jug. Fun!
Photo courtesy of Susan Dodson. 


  1. Those are neat. Do you know if the top one is fed with recycled water from within the system? I imagine there is a little pond at the bottom and the water pumped back up.

  2. Hi Kathy, That is what I figured. The photo is from Sue Dodson; I didn't see it for myself. It does prompt me to visit there, though. I haven't been to Tohono Chul in ages!

  3. A beautiful fountain of pottery...hearing the gentle splashing of water in the desert is so soothing...impossible to believe that this is so close to major intersections...love the spirit of Tohono Chul park :)

  4. Elizabeth, You are so right! As soon as you enter the park you forget the traffic entirely!
