11 April 2012

Tucson's elusive and rare Sand Trout ~

This soaring silver sculpture commemorates Tucson's rare Sand Trout. According to the informational metal plaque on the Tanque Verde Bridge, the Sand Trout (Salmo Harenatus) are "endemic to the dry washes of Southern Arizona, able to withstand extreme heat and absence of water. It swims in sand, feeding on scorpions, sand lions, and juvenile horned toads. In spring breeding males become brightly colored with red on their fins, belly, cheeks, and lips. The fine spots on the sand trout's body help break up its outline protecting it from predators but making it vulnerable to passing automobiles."

P.S. I think this elusive fish is distantly related to the mysterious Jackolope!  (:
Sculpture by Paul T Edwards and Chris Tanz.  


  1. Fishes turn out to be a big hit in Arizona. I prefer the ones on the Goldwater Boulevard in Scottsdale!

  2. Hi Therese, I don't know that sculpture - is it also of the Arizona Sand Trout? (:
