10 January 2016

A Sweet Treat in the New Year ~

A tradition in France since the 14th century is the preparation and enjoyment of the Galette des Rois (Kings Cake). Tucson's Alliance Francaise hosted a Galette des Rois celebration and offered several different home-baked Galettes as well as many other savory and sweet snacks. And wine, of course!

In France the Galette des Rois is celebrated on Epiphany (January 6). In America it is typically celebrated in conjunction with Mardi Gras and Lent.

For more information about the Alliance, its classes, and French-themed events and films, click here

1 comment:

  1. Just wrote a long note but it disappeared. On the 6th I went to a local bakery in Mazatlán and couldn't figure out why the place was stocked with cakes several cartons high on every available space. No pan or pastries available. Duh! Epiphany, of course! Tried out a new pizzeria that night and was presented with a slice of their Epiphany cake for dessert. No toy or prize in my slice, though.
