10 June 2016

DAY 3: Last chance! Time for another "Where is this?"

It's contest time again! For those of you who are new to the site, this is a chance to guess the location of the photo and win a "fabulous" TDP t-shirt! The first person to identify this building/location wins a t-shirt and earns the envy of their friends. Any guesses where this bell tower is located? Good luck!

So far we have had just one guess (thanks, Roberta!) but it was not a winner. This bell tower is in Tucson proper. It is south of Grant and north of Valencia. Any more guesses?

Oh come on! One guess is all we are going to get on this one???? OK - this bell tower is south of Speedway; west of Houghton; east of Swan and north of Golf Links. Good luck to all!


  1. Hi Roberta! Good guess but not correct. This bell tower is much further north. It's in Tucson proper.
