Not only can you have a lovely tea or lunch at the Chantilly Tea House, you can also find gift items that are not found in your average Dillard's or Target store. Here I'm showing a wee tea set in buttercup yellow - a charming gift for any little girl. Sweet indeed.
Turning a little green with envy here! Over the years, during my summer visits, I've tried to get to this Tea Shoppe, but have never been able to get the afternoon tea reservations timed right. Some day...:-)
Love the Southwest? Love Tucson? Every day on "Tucson Daily Photo" you'll see a new image that might be beautiful, unusual, fun, or maybe even inspirational.
Monday already?
Thanks for stopping by for a little "walk around" photo tour of beautiful Tucson, AZ. I hope you enjoy the trip! Please post your comments about the photos! Contact me at:
I'm a transplanted New Yorker who loves the Tucson climate. On New Year's Day I have a bit of fun calling my (snowbound) east coast friends to announce that I'm drinking coffee while sitting on my patio. (:
Turning a little green with envy here! Over the years, during my summer visits, I've tried to get to this Tea Shoppe, but have never been able to get the afternoon tea reservations timed right. Some day...:-)