06 June 2015

The site celebrates a birthday!

Hello everyone! I am pleased to announce that today is the site's 6th birthday! For me it's a little hard to believe that I have been posting photos every day (and very often multiple photos in a single day). Here we are - six years and thousands of images of events, people, places, landscapes, things, and plants later. Whew!


  1. Wow. While not everybody knows about what you have done by not only creating this website but also by posting unique pictures of Tucson on a continuing basis that will later be considered a Tucson treasure, you have accomplished something that so many of us respect and are also jealous about: you have done something wonderful for both your community and yourself. Cudos to you and thank you from all of us!

  2. Congratulations! I have been following you for quite some time and I am sure that your site has helped me in making my decision to move to Tucson! Thank you so much!

  3. Congratulations! I tell all my out of towner friends about this web sight. They check it, too.

  4. Thanks everyone for your good wishes and comments! (:

  5. happy birthday!
