I laughed when I was behind this car at a red light and read their very polite message. The sticker is faded from the sun but it says, "Sorry for driving so close in front of you." (:
Love the Southwest? Love Tucson? Every day on "Tucson Daily Photo" you'll see a new image that might be beautiful, unusual, fun, or maybe even inspirational.
Monday already?
Thanks for stopping by for a little "walk around" photo tour of beautiful Tucson, AZ. I hope you enjoy the trip! Please post your comments about the photos! Contact me at: TucsonDailyPhoto@gmail.com
I'm a transplanted New Yorker who loves the Tucson climate. On New Year's Day I have a bit of fun calling my (snowbound) east coast friends to announce that I'm drinking coffee while sitting on my patio. (:
I like that much better than that crazy Yosemite Sam bumper stickers that say BACK OFF!!