06 May 2012

Restaurant surprise in Tucson ~

Yes! CONGRATULATIONS to Ellen who yesterday correctly identified this unusual restaurant. Built long ago as a restaurant with a middle eastern theme, the Shooters owners kept that look going and just switched out the menu to be a steakhouse/BBQ/bar. Beautiful patio area. Shooters is tucked away where Prince St meets the wash. A shout out to Ellen: please email me at TucsonDailyPhoto@gmail.com and give me your address so I can mail you your prize. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I LOVE photos of front doors, and this one makes me happy. Sure doesn't look like a restaurant!

  2. Cathy, Be sure to click on the "Doorway" link below the post so that you can see ALL of the doorway photos that I've posted. Enjoy!

  3. Well, you stumped me with this one! My excuse is that I hardly visited that side of town, being a southeastern Tucson gal! Congratulations Ellen!

    I am one with Cathy, above, about front doors...love them, too. I'll check out all those that you've posted.
