20 September 2015

Tick, Tock - Where is this clock?

The only guess so far in this "Where is it?" contest was that it is downtown. Nope. That is the Daniel's Jewelers clock (shown in bottom image). This beautiful clock is NOT downtown. It is east of Campbell, west of Alvernon, and north of Broadway. Any more guesses on this one? Good luck!


  1. It doesn't look like you are getting anymore guesses so I will try. Is it on 6th street between Tucson Blvd and Forgeus Ave in the Sam Hughes neighborhood?
    Kathy from Boston

  2. Kathy! It would take a follower from Boston to guess this! Yes, this clock is in the Rincon Market group of shops. Please write to me at TucsonDailyPhoto@gmail.com and give me your mailing address so that I can mail you your "fabulous" TDP t-shirt! Yeah! Congratulations!!! (:
