14 March 2016

Big Theatre ~

Here is my friend Valerie posing with three of the giant stars of "Barrio Stories," a production by Borderlands Theatre. The outdoor production presented the rich stories of the Mexican American neighborhood that was destroyed with the construction of the Tucson Convention Center.  


  1. These are astonishingly realistic, their expressions are so perfect, and I don't think Valerie's new friend is going to let her go back to the audience :) It is a sad history of downtown that so much was lost for the TCC, but have you visited one of the few rescued homes: la Casa Cordova? It's a museum that explains a rich history, and if I remember correctly there is a giant OLD fig tree in the back patio!

    1. Hi Elizabeth!
      Here is a little more about the puppets. The play is La Placita: Heart of the City, by Elaine Romero, and includes giant puppets and an inventive cast of characters:

      LA CALLE, a young woman who disobeys her elders.

      El GUAPO, an attractive young man who has rooster’s feet upon closer inspection, but he hides them behind his fancy shoes. He is revealed to be El Diablo, of course.

      LA GRANDE, the oldest woman you can think of times two.

      LA SOLDEDERA, a woman revolutionary from another time. Sister to Calle. Has a weapon strapped across her chest.

    2. And I have visited Casa Cordova but don't remember the fig tree. I will look for it when I go back. Thanks!
