22 January 2017

All is revealed - Where is this?

21 JANUARY 2017

2nd Day - a few clues!

20 JANUARY 2017

The first "Where is this?" of the New Year!

It is time once again for the "Where is this?" contest! Regular visitors to this site know that the person who correctly identifies the location of this photo will win a "fabulous" TDP t-shirt featuring the expressive "Monday already?" ram photo. Start your engines and good luck! 

SECOND DAY and no correct guesses yet!.  OK - here are some clues: This lightpost changes color so maybe you have seen it look different than this. And it is north of River Road.   Good luck! 

THIRD DAY: These distinctive rectangular light boxes illuminate the patio/plaza area of River Center, a retail complex on River near Craycroft. The lights change through a range of colors and the wavy lines are.... the River! The Center is home to wonderful Harvest Restaurant, Whole Foods, and Sushi Zona, among others. Sorry there was no winner for this "Where is this?" contest. Thanks for the guesses!   

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, I don't know that place. I figured St Phillip's Plaza was out. I did see the river in the wavy lines yesterday when you gave the hint. Have a wonderful day!
